nanoSPACE Technology s.r.o.
nanoSPACE Technology s.r.o. is a company engaged in research, development and production of nanofibrous materials and products, utilizing more than 12 years of experiences in this industry. Located in the CZECH REPUBLIC.
Products and services offered:
- Nanofiber development – able to make nanofibers from various types of polymers
- Nanofiber production – able to upscale lab results into industrial production of membrane like materials
- Application development – able to support its customers to develop final applications from nanofibrous membranes
- Machine development, design and production – for developed material we design, build and sell production machines
Application field: Comercialized: Cosmetics-Air purifaction filters, water purifaction membranes. Under development: Pharmaceuticals-Medical Devices (wound healing, scarf healing). Therapeutical patches, Food supplements, Battery separators.
Role within INERRANT
In INERRANT, nanoSPACE Technology s.r.o. is the partners of WP3 “Development of a multifunctional separator technology based on electro- and hybridspinning membranes for safer LIBs”. Therefore working on the Technology optimization of single, „core-shell or co-axial“, and mixed-layered fibers with stimuli-tunable response, the functionalization of fibers with additives and preliminary upscaling and upscaling separator technologies to industrial level as well as demonstration activities. The target is to demonstrate large sheets of separator samples (stripes 0.5 m wide; at a production speed of 1.5–6.5 h / 100 m, depending on the grammage). The spinning technology development will be correlated to the LIB cell properties specified in WPs 4 and 6. The separators’ chemistry will also be closely considered in collaboration with the activities in WP5 to reflect the requirements for the recyclability of LIBs and the sustainability of the manufacturing process. NST will also be involved in WP7 “Innovation Management: Communication, Dissemination, Exploitation”. NST (hybridspinning) will prepare complementary separators based on the chosen polymers by the two technologies.