VERKOR was founded in 2020 with the sole ambition of fast-tracking low‑carbon battery production in France, to serve the European market. With a team of international experts in the battery sector, Verkor strives for manufacturing excellence by optimising proven technology. Our ambition is to increase the manufacture of low‑carbon batteries to meet the growing demand for electric vehicles. Verkor is involved in various Horizon Europe projects on topics such as digitalization of the battery production, recycling, or next generation battery cells development. Verkor team totalizes more than 500 employees, cumulating more than 1200 years’ combined experience in batteries.
Role within INERRANT
In INERRANT, Verkor leads the Work Package “Safety evaluation for electromobility applications and implementation of novel performance testing processes for innovation acceleration”. Thus Verkor will be involved in the integration and evaluation of the previous technical work packages with regards to safety and characterization methods. Moreover, Verkor will bring to the consortium valuable knowledge on scaling-up through its involvement in the work package related to the development at gigafactory relevant scale of the developed materials.